Over 30 years of experience in the market, serving software house, dealer and users
These Pegasus Hand Pressure Self-Seal Payslips are designed to be 100% Compatible with the Genuine PEG220 for use with Pegasus Capital, Pegasus Opera and Opera II payroll softwares. They are much lower in price, even though they are produced in the same factory as the Genuine PEG220. They come packaged as 1,000 A4 sheets suitable only for business quality laser printers. The heat generated by the laser printer activates the glue so you simply print, fold and use hand pressure to seal.
Why should you buy your Pegasus Payslips Genuine and Compatible Stationery from us?
We strive for 100% customer satisfaction whether you purchase one box per year or 20 boxes per month. We will price match any like for like quotation and offer a further 5% discount. We will negotiate prices for regular orders of 10 or more boxes. For over 30 years our MD has been specifying, demonstrating, installing and supporting Sage Accounts and Payroll software, including Sage 50, Sage 100, Sage 200 and Sage 500. The “VS” Sage Payslips and Accounts stationery range is designed and specified by us to perfectly match the software’s output files, manufactured and printed in the UK, stocked, picked and packed in our environmentally controlled warehouse facility and doubled boxed which means you received your goods in the best possible condition. All prices include free delivery to UK mainland and free support should you require it. We also provide free samples for you to try before you buy. We offer both Pegasus Genuine and Compatible laser payslips, we specialise in the Pegasus PEG-220 Self-Seal style of Pegasus Payslips providing the best security.